Quotes From "Confessions Of A Werewolf Supermodel" By Ronda Thompson

CONFESSION NO. 18 Girls just want to have fun…and live...
CONFESSION NO. 18 Girls just want to have fun…and live to tell about it the next day. Ronda Thompson
CONFESSION NO. 1 Most women find the bloating, cramping, and...
CONFESSION NO. 1 Most women find the bloating, cramping, and bitchiness of PMS bothersome at worst. I turn into a monster a week before my period…literally. Ronda Thompson
Lou, honey, I'll buy you a new pair of shoes if you'll stop flashing your panties at everyone sitting across the room from us. You are wearing panties, right?" I glance up and across at Stefan. His words register a moment later and my head swivels toward the other side of the room. There are a number of people staring at me. One of them is Detective Terry Shay. Or I think it is. He's not looking directly at me. He's looking up my skirt . Ronda Thompson